Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Progress! Theme and layout changes


I have started the process of creating changes within this blog. At this time, I am currently going with a clean and simple theme. I would like my readers to spend less time seeking previous content. My blog should load quicker with this design as well. Time is a precious commodity that can be difficult to balance. I have removed the top tags as they were broken, and I will update other links and tabs as I go. There will be additional changes to the home page as time goes on. 

One of my favorite features on this theme is that it will now display the date of the blog post. My previous theme did not allow readers to see the date. I'm not sure why or how that happened. I was unable to fix the issue. I also love how organized this is going to appear once I make a few more modifications to the sidebar.

I have a few posts that I am eager to share with my readers. However, I would like to create a few more updates on the blog before I write them. What do you think about the new theme? Does it appear to be an easier layout and reader friendly? Do you have any future content suggestions? Let me know your thoughts! I will continue to share updates as I work on this blog. I'm excited to share this new journey with you!


Animal lover said...

I love the new layout! It is very clean and user friendly. I am excited to see what you do to continue to improve your blog! I’m excited to see you posting again and that you took a much needed break for, i’m assuming, important reasons. Good luck on your future endeavors! I hope to enjoy reading more blogs from you!

Michele said...

Animal lover,

Thank you1 It is definitely a work in progress. Please feel free to give me any suggestions that may be helpful to this blog!